Today is the last day of my challenge to learn virtual reality development in 21 days. Over the past few days, I made a few small additions/changes to my game. Today, I finished the game!
Today is day 15 of my challenge to learn virtual reality development in 21 days. I'm two-thirds done! My game was running slow, so I optimized it today.
Today is day 13 of my challenge to learn virtual reality development in 21 days. I already had a working game and an idea of how I wanted it to look. Over the last few days, I brought the aesthetic of the game to life. You can see the game's new logo above!
Today is day 8 of my challenge to learn virtual reality development in 21 days. I’ve got a working game. However, it is mega ugly. I tried a few new designs over the past few days, but today I decided on the right aesthetic and picked a great name.
Today is day 3 of my challenge to learn VR game development in 21 days. Over the past two days, I built a working prototype of my game. On the 21st day, I'll release the game.
I'm going to make a virtual reality game in 21 days. My first day was about making basic shapes and putting them into place. Today I've animated the game to be playable.
Today is day 1 of my challenge to learn virtual reality. I want to create a game, and I've never done any virtual reality before. The first step is figuring out how to make a virtual world. It started off as a cylinder, a block, and a sphere. I added walls, a ceiling, and a TV to develop it further. Eventually, I was satisfied with version 0.1 of my virtual world.
I'm learning virtual reality (VR)! I've never done anything in VR before, but in 21 days, I'll have a demo version of a sci-fi target practice game. Imagine laser beams that shoot from your eyes, arcade-style levels that increase in difficulty, and hopefully astonishing graphics.
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